Kennel Cough

We are having an outbreak of Kennel Cough in the Taihape and Raetihi regions. There are mixture of agents causing the disease including bacteria and viruses, with environmental dust and stress making matters worse. The disease is spread through contact with coughing dogs, and by sharing water bowls and kennels. It takes between 3 and 10 days to cause coughing in new dogs. Some dogs develop a nasty cough but are otherwise fine and will recover with rest. Others become unwell and need antibiotic treatment.
Prevention is best – intranasal kennel cough vaccine is relatively cheap and can be effective within 3 days. This is a needed vaccine to stay in boarding kennels but is also advised if your dogs have high contact with other strange dogs eg at groomers, shows, dog trials or if you employ or are a casual shepherd mixing dogs on farms. Give us a call to book in at either clinic